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2024-2025 High School Outreaches Have Begun

The 2024-2025 scholarship season is coming up fast, and TRADESTRONG has begun making the rounds to local high schools to speak to CTE students about the opportunities available to them in the construction trades. It is so important to get in front of these kids, encourage them, let them know that there are resources and industry support available to them should they decide to pursure a career in the trades, and inspire them to start thinking about their futures and developing their plans to reach their goals.

It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Toy, the new CTE instructor at Placer High School in Auburn, CA, meet his students from two different classes, and see the facility. The students are clearly eager about being there, and they are fortunate to have such a great leader in Mr. Toy. It was also great to have our youngest daughter, who earned two welding certifications in her high school welding class and has been working for a grading, paving and underground contractor since she was 19, with us to share her knowledge and experience from the perspective from a twenty-something professional. Overall, it was a great kickoff to the high school outreach season.


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Foundation     est. 2022 

EIN 92-0454060

9241 Old State Hwy, Unit 41

Newcastle, CA 95658


© 2024 by The TRADESTRONG Foundation

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