Congratulations to Trevor Orvis, of Confluence West High School (Loomis, CA), for being selected as a 2024 TRADESTRONG Gear Bag Scholarship recipient! Orvis, who exhibits an aptitude for welding and an excellent work ethic, aspires to pursue the Mechanical field. To help get him off on the right foot, Trevor was awarded a Mechanical Gear Bag full of top notch tools, equipment, PPE, and a $250 gift certificate to Loomis ACE Hardware. Thank you to our industry sponsor partners: Cook Foundation (EDH), Dian Cook, Shannon Lapeyrade (exp Realty of CA) and Loomis ACE Hardware!

#TRADESTRONG #TRADESTRONGfoundation #elevatethetrades #LEARN2EARN  #CookFoundationEDH #DianCook #ShannonLapeyrade #expRealtyofCA #LoomisACEHardware #GearBag #mechanical #trades #welding #CTE #careerandtechnicaleducation #industrialarts #highschool #scholarships #awardsnight  #support #community #industry  #partnership #ConfluenceWest