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TRADESTRONG was proud to sponsor Lincoln High School FFA for its first Fabrication Contest. The contest took place on Friday and included ten teams from seven high schools (Lincoln, Del Oro, Lindhurst, Wheatland, Yuba City, Sutter and Tokay). Cook Engineering brought a couple of crews with their rigs and provided a safety inspector to oversee the competition. Others who donated their materials or services to the event to help make it as real-world as possible were: Panattoni Development Company (Heavy Steel), Jeff Magill (A+ Welding Inspection), Jesse Joslin and Ben Krause (VCG Global - Blueprints and Fit-up Inspection), Bruce Collins (Positioning Inspection), Sean Cook (Cook Engineering - Interviews), Brent and Emily Collins (TRADESTRONG - Interviews, Lunch Sponsor), Tim Wilson (Timothy Wilson Photography), MJB Welding Supply (Prizes), and special thanks to Staci Burns (The Printing Parlor) for printing up the shirts in time for the event. The teams were judged on safety, weld prep and weld inspections, and a representative from each team was required to participate in an interview that tested the student’s understanding of the project, explored any personal trade career ambitions and their associated pathways. Thank you to Barret Hess and Lincoln High School FFA for hosting the amazing event and to the sponsors and volunteers who helped make it a huge success! We hope to see more of these events taking place in the future.


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